26th PPC2023-03-01T05:23:32+00:00

Re-structure: Organizing the swine industry to make a difference

Dr. Raul V. Baron Memorial Lecture:

Updates on PRRS Resistant Pigs
Dr. David Casey
Asia Product Director, PIC Global
PIC Philippines, Inc.

Strategies to Reduce Disease Susceptibility
Mr. Jean Marc Laurent
Swine Technical Manager Asia
Wisium by ADM

Evolution of Lung Lesion Scores in the Philippines (2015-2022) Using the Ceva Lung Program (CLP) App
Dr. Paul Christian Ver J. Manzano
National Veterinary Services
Ceva Animal Health (Philippines) Inc.

The Future of Swine Diagnostics Amidst ASF Repopulation Effort
Dr. Romeo Sanchez, Jr.
Associate Professor/ Swine Practitioner & Consultant
Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine, UPLB
SGS Philippines Inc.

Critical Thinking Session by PCSP Specialty Board
Dr. Raul Berro
FPCSP &Member Specialty Board
Philippine College of Swine Practitioners (PCSP)

Click this link to view the Memorial Video for Dr. Raul V. Baron Memorial

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PPC Roadshow 2019 Highlights

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Elevating the Standards of Swine Practice.


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2607, 2019

Join the Best Student Research on Swine Health

The Philippine College of Swine Practitioners (PCSP) and PORKCHAMP of Excellence Poultry and Livestock Specialist, Inc. are proud to partner and bring you the Best Student Research on Swine Health.

This is an annual

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